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5 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Wellness Resolutions Last

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  • Written By: Antelope Valley Medical Center
5 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Wellness Resolutions Last

Sticking To New Year's Resolutions

We get it — the entire outlook on New Year's resolutions can be daunting. It can be hard to remember the promises you made to yourself, and it can be even harder to attain those goals. The pressure can be overwhelming, but there are ways to make your resolution last! Here are five tips for making attainable and lasting New Year's wellness resolutions!

1. Find an Expert to Assist with Your Goals.

Having a professional guide you through your wellness journey is a great way to achieve attainable and sustainable goals. Whether you choose a nutritionist, a mental health professional, or a physical trainer - having someone who can help you develop a plan to build upon and attain your goals will make the process much easier.

2. Re-evaluate Your Goals and Purpose.

It's essential to be transparent and honest with yourself regarding your goals. You might ask yourself, "what do I want from this resolution?" and "what is the purpose of my goal?" Being honest and realistic with yourself will help you create attainable goals that are more likely to stick.

3. Make Small Changes.

When it comes to making attainable goals, start small and build up. For example, if you want to commit to working out more, wait to set a goal of going to the gym six days a week. Start small — commit to going to the gym twice a week and then build up. This way, you won't get overwhelmed with your goals and can attain them.

4. Take Care of Yourself Year-Round.

It's important to remember that your well-being is a year-round commitment, not just something you focus on during the new year. Take time to prioritize yourself and find activities you enjoy, whether reading, going for a walk, or getting creative. Doing something you enjoy will help motivate and keep you dedicated to your goals.

5. Celebrate Small Victories.

Remember to celebrate the small victories! Setting attainable goals means having many opportunities to be proud of yourself and your progress. Observing these small moments can help keep you motivated and remind you why you started in the first place.

All the Care You Need at Antelope Valley Medical Center

Creating attainable and lasting New Year's wellness resolutions can be daunting, but with these tips, you'll be sure to stick to and achieve your goals. Remember that well-being is a year-round commitment!

And if you need any healthcare assistance along your journey, Antelope Valley Medical Center is here to help. From physical and occupational therapy and ENT services to pediatric services and more, we are committed to providing the care you need all year round. Contact us today for more information by calling (661) 949-5000 or filling out our online contact form!